Each video in this folder shows the maps for grid points along a latitude circles, arranged from west to east, starting at the Greenwich Meridian. The titles should be interpreted as follows:
- djf10Nsat - for the months DJF on the 10N latitude circle: surface air temperature at each grid point with surface air temperature at the reference grid point
- djf10Nsatslp - surface air temperature at each grid point with sea level pressure at the reference grid point
- djf10Nslp - sea level pressure at each grid point with sea level pressure at the reference grid point
- djf10Nz500 - 500 hPa height at each grid point with 500 hPa height at the reference grid point
- djf10Ssat - for the months DJF on the 10S latitude circle: surface air temperature at each grid point with surface air temperature at the reference grid point